Our recommendations
Here are our lists of the best trees for various situations.
Best cider apple trees for the garden
Our recommendations for the best cider apple varieties, which will give you a range of interesting flavours for your home-brew cider.Best fruit trees to give as a present
Fruit trees make ideal presents but make sure you choose these reliable varieties that will establish quickly and soon be producing fruit.Best plum trees for eating fresh
Plums and Gages offer potentially the sweetest and most luscious of temperate fruits, ideal for eating fresh off the tree.Low-chill apple varieties for the UK
Low-chill apple varieties are useful for areas where winters are too warm for regular apple varieties.The best self-fertile apple trees for your garden
If you only have space for one apple tree choose a self-fertile one, which will produce apples without needing a pollinator.Top 10 fruit trees for chefs and cooks
We've noticed that more and more customers are interested in growing their own fruit for cooking with. Here is our top 10 fruit trees for the kitchen garden.Top 10 fruit trees for difficult climates
What fruit trees can you plant if you live in a cold, wet, windy part of the UK?Unusual fruit trees
If you already have a small orchard and are looking to add something different, have a look at these unusual fruit trees.